No Perfect Families…Or Churches

Our large family recent went on a vacation together; nearly 30 of us in the same house for a week.  It was loads of fun.  But there were also challenges.

Our church family goes through fun and hard times together, too.  Just like yours.

You can read about my experience and how God used our vacation to point me to some real life stuff in our church here.

The Crushing of the Unborn

I don’t frequently post things from other blogs here but this post was a can’t-resist.

No matter what you think about abortion on demand, the release of the 7th and 8th videos involving Planned Parenthood’s selling of unborn baby body parts has our country on edge.  And for those of us who believe every precious life, born and unborn, is created in the image of the One who made him or her we are especially reeling.

Psalm 10 isn’t about abortion.  But its application to what has happened and is happening every single day to unwanted, unborn babies is startling.  At Redeemer Church a few weeks back this application was made.  I haven’t been so shaken by a sermon is a really long time.

You can read the blog post, and find a link to the message if you desire, here.